This December, Ellijay is bustling with excitement as it gears up for a series of festive Christmas events. Light Up Ellijay The celebrations commence with Light Up Ellijay 2024, during which the town square is transformed into a spectacular wonderland adorned with...
Let’s be honest. He doesn’t need more stuff. He does a great job of collecting stuff on his own. He needs useful item that inject a little style and elevate his game. We’re here to help him step into the New Year with his best foot forward and these sophisticated...
We can all agree, it’s tough to shop for her. You’re trudging through your memory of the past year to think about all the things she mentioned, gave a second look at, or liked on Instagram. You want to come up with something that’s personal and unique. But also useful
Spread holiday cheer…and still have money for the new year! We’re continuing our partnership with Artful Ellijay to provide holiday gift ideas so you can focus on the finer moments of the holiday. Today we’re going through the 12 days of Christmas....
Sponsored by Artful Ellijay The holidays are officially here! We want you to welcome the news and savor the seasonal joy rather than worrying about what to get your friends and loved ones. So we’ve teamed up with Artful Ellijay and over the next five days we’ll be...
It’s that time of year again! The turkey’s haven’t even been roasted yet, but the holiday shopping rush has begun. But not to worry! With the addition of the home provisions store, Artful Ellijay to the downtown area there are plenty of places to get that perfect gift...